Times are changing, the social debate is rapidly polarising and more and more groups are becoming radically opposed to one another. Language appears to be one of the most powerful forms of respective inclusion and exclusion. Pakhuis de Zwijger (PdZ) strives to facilitate a safe place of meeting where everyone feels safe and heard without jeopardising the culture of open conversation. With this Code of Conduct we provide program makers, moderators, partner organisations and participants with the necessary tools to navigate through the many social areas of tension. Where certain expertise or experience may be lacking, we offer knowledge and support. Precisely by framing manners and forms of addressing one another, an environment is created where one can speak freely and openly because certain tensions are removed, everyone present experiences respect and recognition, mutual understanding is created and the vocality of disadvantaged people grows.

With this Code of Conduct we aim to bring about a cultural change and to set a new standard for how the social dialogue can be conducted in a constructive, equal and inclusive manner.

  • Moving forward, PdZ will refer to its visitors as participants. Everyone present is a desired participant in the conversation and a necessary participant in shaping and building a sustainable and inclusive city.
  • At PdZ everyone is recognised, greeted and addressed. There is no greeting or mention of “ladies and gentlemen” as this completely excludes the presence of non-binary and/or gender queer persons. Alternatives: ‘Hello dear people’, ‘Welcome dear people’ or: ‘Good evening dear participants’.
  • Identity is not expertise. Experts and people with experiences are two different things. Example: do not make people professional transgender and do not make a Moroccan Dutch person a mouthpiece on behalf of the entire community. Acknowledge people’s qualifications and professions.
  • Freedom of expression is about issues, not about individuals, and should never come at the expense of human rights. Ergo: people are not attacked ad hominem and the existence of certain groups and/or persons is not disputed. Some sensitivity is required. What is an interesting philosophical issue for one person is a (hard-won) daily reality for another. Example: gender-free toilets are a topic of discussion, the existence of non-binary/trans people is not.
  • In PdZ a person is who he/she/they says they are, not what others make of it. No discussion is allowed about self-proclaimed identities such as skin colour, gender, religion, origin, sexual preference or otherwise. In addition, one’s own identification is not dismissed as an experience, feeling or perception, but as a recognised state of being.
  • Everyone is treated and addressed as an equal and respected person. No diminutives or reductionist terms about groups and/or individuals are tolerated.
  • All participants are consistently referred to by their first name or last name. It does not contain any gender division, age discrimination or other inequality.
  • The gender of participants is not considered to be known in advance. Ask guests beforehand for their preferred personal pronoun and form of address and refer to audience participants as “that person” or ask them to identify themselves by their name and personal pronoun.
  • As with point #5, persons with any illness and/or physical or cognitive challenge indicate how they identify. Avoid ableism: expressions and words referring to such challenges.
  • Use of the n-word is out of the question when no explanation can be given about the origin and evolution of the controversial word, in order to provide more context. If necessary and functional, reference to ’the n-word’ as such is sufficient.
  • PdZ contributes to the decolonisation of language: ‘white’ not ‘caucasian’; ‘Black’ not ‘dark’; ‘double-blood’ or ‘multi-blood’ not ‘half-blood’; and ‘bicultural’ not ‘immigrant’. A Dutch person is anyone with Dutch nationality, not everyone with a white skin color. People with dual nationality are introduced with both nationalities if desired (and requested) and population groups are referred to with both nationalities: ‘Chinese-Dutch’ and not: ‘Chinese’ and ‘Turkish-Dutch’ and not: ‘Turks’.
  • There is no profanity or name calling at the table. This keeps the conversation substantive, safe, polite and respectful to everyone.
  • Do not generalise or make assumptions for the public. Examples: “Of course I am preaching to the choir here.” “We all agree here, of course.” “I don’t need to tell you that…” “We are of course all…
  • Avoid technical jargon and specialist terminology without context or explanation.
  • Participants in the MBO education are legally called students, not pupils.
  • PdZ respects every person and does not speak about groups of people in terms of natural phenomena. Examples: ‘streams of migrants’, ’tsunamis of refugees’ etc.
  • Population groups are never prefixed with a swear word and ethnicity, gender and/or sexual preferences are never an adjective.
  • At PdZ we are aware that language is not static and communication is a product of mutual interaction in which we never stop learning. We are open to feedback, correction for possible blind spots and new insights.
Aankomende programma’s
Ruimte! Ruimte! Ruimte!
Ruimte voor maatschappelijke voorzieningen
Hoe creëren we ruimte voor maatschappelijke voorzieningen die echt aansluiten bij de behoeften van bewoners?
Vandaag, 20.00
Diaspora Dialogen 9
Wij zijn (g)een integratieprobleem!
Over het verkennen, delen en vergroten van Marokkaans-Nederlandse stemmen in een politiek verdeeld landschap: stereotypes, dialoog en gemeenschap.
Vandaag, 20.00
Maaltijd van Morgen
Food for Thought: hoe voeden we de wereld in de toekomst?
Een dialoog tussen Kadir van Lohuizen en Joris Lohman over de wereld van voedselproductie en consumptie.
Vandaag, 20.00
De Verbeeldingswerkplaats
Aan de slag met creatieve methoden voor maatschappelijke verandering.
Morgen, 13.00
De Graan Gesprekken 3
Groot Graan Diner
Een diner met performances en goede gerechten om te genieten van granen. In gesprek met en proeverij uit de hele graanketen.
Morgen, 18.30
World Without Borders 6
Migration Myths
Proposing a win-win solution for a sensible migration policy in The Netherlands.
Morgen, 19.30
De Groene Live
De slag om Oekraïne – escalatie of vrede?
Trump, Poetin en Europa: Hoe ziet de toekomst van de Oekraïense weerstand eruit? Met o.a. Kati Piri, Robert Serry, Anna van Zoest en Hubert Smeets.
Morgen, 20.00
Kringwijs presenteert: training voor buurtbewoners 2
Iemand Erbij
Leer hoe je het best kunt handelen in een crisissituatie met uiteenlopende problematiek.
vr 24 jan, 09.30
Boekpresentatie & nagesprek
De belangrijkste vragen van je leven
Harm Edens zet zich al meer dan 25 jaar in voor een betere en duurzamere wereld, maar hoe kijkt de nieuwe generatie naar dit urgente onderwerp?
vr 24 jan, 17.00
Governance for Society
In voor- en tegenspoed: Het juridische doolhof van internationale liefde
Een kritische reflectie op migratierecht omtrent liefde en familie. Wie mogen er samen zijn en wie niet? Met o.a. hoogleraar transnationale families en migratierecht Betty de Hart (VU).
vr 24 jan, 19.30
Amsterdamse Iconen 16
Malou Gorter
Een uur lang in gesprek met Malou Gorter, actrice bekend van o.a. haar rol in Oogappels en De Joodse Raad. Over haar leven, werk en band met Amsterdam.
vr 24 jan, 20.00
Justice for Palestine x New Metropolis Nieuw-West
Stand Up for Palestine: Benefit Nieuw-West
Come join us during an afternoon of workshop(s) and a community lunch + souk in solidarity with the people of Palestine!
za 25 jan, 11.00
De Ceuvel x PdZ
Ruimte voor vrije ruimte
In gesprek over de strijd tussen de geplande stad versus de spontane stad.
ma 27 jan, 19.30
Boekpresentatie & nagesprek
Boeklancering: De Grote Koloniale Oorlog
Lancering en nagesprek over de koloniale oorsprong en nasleep van WOII met auteur Chris de Ploeg. Met reacties op het boek en performances.
ma 27 jan, 20.00
De Donut Economie in Amsterdam
Donut Night: van droom naar doorbraak
Hoe staat de donuteconomie er na 5 jaar voor in Amsterdam? En welke grote doorbraken zijn nodig om de stad ‘in de donut’ te krijgen?
ma 27 jan, 20.00
nai010 x PdZ
Natuurinclusieve gebiedsontwikkeling
BOEKPRESENTATIE: Van pionieren naar governance: oplossingen voor natuurinclusieve gebiedsontwikkeling in praktijk en beleid.
ma 27 jan, 20.00
True Price Festival 2025
Deze nieuwjaarseditie van het True Price Festival draait om goede voornemens en échte prijzen voor een duurzame economie.
di 28 jan, 13.00
Unwanted Words Project presents:
Queer Poetry Night
Join us for the next edition of this open mic night!
di 28 jan, 19.00
Stop Wapenhandel presenteert:
Vrijmarkt voor oorlogswapens
Hoe de wapenindustrie de exportcontrole ondermijnt en wat we er tegen kunnen doen. Met onder meer Andrew Feinstein, directeur van Shadow World Investigations.
di 28 jan, 20.00
Between the Sun, Wind and Waves 5
Boekpresentatie ‘Esaki Ta Nos!’
Aan de hand van het nieuwe portretboek 'Esaki Ta Nos!' bespreken we de uitdagingen en veerkracht van Bonairiaanse jongeren.
di 28 jan, 20.00
In de spotlight