Pakhuis de Zwijger focuses its programs on the future of cities, the metropolitan region, our country and the world. We do this together with the two branches New Metropolis ‘Nieuw-West’ and ‘Zuidoost’. Our approach to large and complex issues and challenges is value-driven. Through seven main topics – social, spatial planning, sustainability, technology, economy, democracy and creative industry – and twenty ambitions formulated by us, we create programs together with our partners and realise projects that contribute to better living environments for all.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone has access to quality and affordable education, good care, work and a home. Power and property are distributed fairly.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone participates and all preferences, appearances and backgrounds are represented. The diversity of the society is visible at all levels and in all institutions.

In the world of tomorrow, everyone has a say. Control, ownership and responsibility are evenly distributed. The government works for and with the inhabitants of the city.

In the world of tomorrow there is space for companies and individuals to do business. The value that is created flows back to the city and benefits all its inhabitants, in the form of money and knowledge.

Tomorrow’s world is a pleasant place to live. The air is clean and there is plenty of green. Careful consideration is given to scarce space, residents and visitors can meet in public spaces and children can play safely on the streets.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone can live a carefree life. It is a place with room for differences of opinion without resulting in violence, exclusion or radicalisation. Everyone feels free, at home and safe and takes responsibility for each other’s safety.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone has access to good and appropriate healthcare, nutritious and varied food, clean air, a green environment and sports facilities. Everyone can lead a healthy, active, dignified and happy lifestyle.

In tomorrow’s world, no one will be left out. People look after each other and there is a listening ear for everyone. The government offers an accessible social safety net.

In tomorrow’s world, everyone is provided for. Everyone has sufficient resources for a home, transport, healthy food, information and leisure.

In tomorrow’s world, accessibility is a universal reality. The infrastructure is designed from a human perspective and does not take up unnecessary space.

In tomorrow’s world, there is good education for everyone. There is lifelong opportunity for personal development to grow alongside the labor market. Everyone’s talent is seen and used.

In tomorrow’s world, entrepreneurial spirit and innovation are stimulated. Local, sustainable and social enterprises ensure a resilient and inclusive urban economy.

In tomorrow’s world, all raw materials will be reused locally and economic growth is not the ultimate goal. There is no more waste and a next life is central to the design of goods.

In tomorrow’s world, people live in harmony with nature. There is sufficient space in the city and surrounding areas for local food production and biodiversity is promoted.

Climate neutral
Tomorrow’s world will no longer contribute to climate change. We will live in balance with our natural environment and leave behind a liveable city for future generations.

Climate proof
In tomorrow’s world, we are prepared for the changing climate. The urban environment is designed for extreme rainfall, drought, heat or sudden temperature changes.

Science, innovation and new technology will be stimulated In tomorrow’s world. It is a place of research and inspiration. Anyone who wants to can be part of the open and reliable digital society.

In tomorrow’s world, art is valued and imagination is encouraged. There is a lot of room to color outside the lines. Creation, innovation and design are central issues.

In tomorrow’s world there is plenty of room for a diverse range of art, culture and nightlife. There is room for fun and relaxation, creativity and experimentation

In tomorrow’s world, functionality and beauty complement each other. Architecture and the public arena are consciously designed for everyone, without losing sight of the importance



Aankomende programma’s
Kick-off BioBlitz
BioBlitzend jouw stad vergroenen
Hoe ontwerp je een plek waar mens, dier en plant floreren? Ontdek hoe jij door te BioBlitzen stedenbouwers kan helpen de stad natuurinclusief te maken!
Vandaag, 20.00
Fotokroniek 108
Pioniers – Fotografie door vrouwen
In gesprek met Diana Blok, Elwin Hendrikse en Saskia Asser over het boek ‘Pioniers – Fotografie door vrouwen’.
Vandaag, 20.00
Lenteland meet-up
Leef het boerenleven
Wie wil er boer worden in tijden van verandering? Ontdek een nieuwe toekomst voor landbouw en natuur.
Morgen, 19.30
Rondo Europa 2
Nepnieuws in Europa
Zaagt desinformatie aan de stoelpoten van de Europese Unie en kan je daar iets tegen doen?
Morgen, 20.00
Kringwijs presenteert: training voor buurtbewoners 2
Iemand Erbij
Leer hoe je het best kunt handelen in een crisissituatie met uiteenlopende problematiek.
vr 14 mrt, 09.30
Filmvertoning en nagesprek
Ruigoord – een kosmisch lek
'Tegenwind doet de vlieger stijgen', zeggen de Ruigoorders. In het nagesprek onderzoeken we de macht van tegenkracht.
vr 14 mrt, 19.30
Stichting Wamiliki presenteert 3
Blik op toekomst: Hoe werken we samen naar een utopie?
Derde editie van 'Afrika en Europa: Is een toekomst samen mogelijk?' over wat nodig is om oude denkbeelden los te laten en samen een gelijkwaardige toekomst te bouwen.
vr 14 mrt, 19.30
Amsterdamse Iconen 17
Mara Grimm
Een uur lang in gesprek met Mara Grimm, culinair journalist bij o.a. Het Parool. Over haar leven, werk en band met Amsterdam.
vr 14 mrt, 20.00
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Workshop
Reageren op racistische opmerkingen
Een training in praktische technieken om effectief om te gaan met nare opmerkingen en strategisch te reageren in lastige gesprekken.
ma 17 mrt, 17.30
Week Tegen Racisme 2025
Meldpunt Discriminatie on tour
Weet jij hoe je een melding over discriminatie maakt? En weet jij waarom het belangrijk is om jouw ervaring met discriminatie te melden?
17 mrt 2025 - 20 mrt 2025
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Panel
Excluded by Design: Tech Regulation’s Racial Bias
What happens when digital policies overlook minorities and migrants? Join us for a dialogue on the racialised impact of tech (regulation).
ma 17 mrt, 19.30
Designing Technology for All x FemData 2
Power, data and algorithms
As AI drives our future, who controls the data and algorithms? We uncover hidden biases and examine how power dynamics perpetuate patterns of inequality.
ma 17 mrt, 20.00
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Panel
Decolonial Marxism
This programme will shed light on decolonial marxism, led by a wide variety of researchers and activists.
ma 17 mrt, 20.00
Repurpose x PdZ
Van puin naar pracht
Ontdek bouw- en sloopprojecten die bewijzen dat hergebruik werkt en neem deel aan dé beweging die hergebruik de normaalste zaak van de wereld maakt.
di 18 mrt, 19.30
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Screening + aftertalk
Looking to the Past to see the Future
Screening and discussion of 'Red, White and Blue', an episode from the acclaimed series 'Small Axe' by award winning director Steve McQueen.
di 18 mrt, 19.30
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Workshop
Opvoeden voor bevrijding
Een open gesprek voor ouders over antiracistische opvoeding.
di 18 mrt, 19.30
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Interactive storytelling
Blame game
Waar ligt de grens tussen schuld en onschuld? Doe mee aan deze interactieve voorstelling.
di 18 mrt, 20.00
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Workshop
Love Ethics in Praktijk
Een interactieve workshop over het toepassen van love ethics binnen je antiracismepraktijk.
wo 19 mrt, 17.00
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Lezing
De doctrine van ontdekking: de inheemse genocide in Amerika
Lezing over de historische en hedendaagse genocide van Inheemse Volkeren op Turtle Island/Abya Yala (het Amerikaanse continent).
wo 19 mrt, 19.30
Week Tegen Racisme 2025 Workshop
Collective reflections on (dis)ability solidarity
Is your activism really anti-racist if you forget ableism? Developing resistance to the ableism that is part of racism.
wo 19 mrt, 20.00
In de spotlight