To make your visit as easy as possible, Pakhuis de Zwijger likes to offer some help in the process of registration and reservation. Here we listed the most common questions and answers.

Can I register without an account on Facebook or LinkedIn?

Yes, you can. You can apply with your e-mail address. At the bottom of the log in section there is an option for registering. See the yellow button in the image below.

Now you can click on the grey button ‘registreer met je e-mailadres’.


Is it necessary to log in for a reservation?

Yes, to join events in Pakhuis de Zwijger, we ask every visitor to register. We are proud of the community we built and we take our role as public platform seriously: an overview of the attendees of an event helps us to make our community visible. In this way, all people involved can find each other offline ánd online: special meetings and the exchange of ideas arise.

If you don’t want your profile to be visible for everyone, you can easily change your public profile into a private one.

Can I make a reservation for multiple people?

Your personal profile allows reservations for yourself only. Multiple reservations on one profile are not possible. Ask your company to register for themselves, this should be very easy!

Help! An error occurs in my registration or reservation… What to do?

Do not worry! Visit our website through another browser like Safari, Chrome or Firefox or try incognito mode (ctrl/cmd-shift-N).

The evening is fully booked… Is there a waiting list?

Unfortunately, we do not list extra names. There are a few things you can do now:
– Keep checking the program page: some people will cancel their reservation so new spots will be available.
– Sometimes there is a no-show, which means that chairs remain empty. There is a chance you can get a spot, but we can not assure this.
– Some programs will be streamed live (you can check this on forehand; see the camera-icon in the agenda). You can follow the program while sitting on your cosy couch at home! You can find the livestream-button at the top of our homepage.

I’m unable to make it to the program I applied for… How should I cancel?

Canceling your reservation can be done the same way as you applied: click the grey button ‘reservering annuleren’ on the program page.

Is the event in Dutch or in English?

You can recognize English programs by the black ‘EN’ icon in the agenda. All other programs are in Dutch. To see all English spoken programs in one overview, switch on the button English spoken events only at the right top of the page.

Can I watch programme recordings?

A camera-icon in the agenda indicates the programme will be streamed through The next day in the afternoon the recording will embedded on the programma page.

I want to say, ask or recommend something else.

Feel free to send us an e-mail: [email protected]

Aankomende programma’s
(Re)Searching for Transformations
Celebrating Two Years of ‘Social Justice & Diversity in the Arts’.
wo 4 sep, 19.30
Economie van morgen 13
De vrije markt bestaat niet
Op weg naar een economie van verbinding. In gesprek over een sociaal-duurzame economie naar aanleiding van het nieuwe boek van Irene van Staveren.
do 5 sep, 19.30
The Women Cave 2
Hoe verbind je vrouwelijke creatievelingen en ondernemers met elkaar?
do 5 sep, 20.00
Economie van morgen x Oxfam Novib 14
Een geldsysteem voor iedereen
Hoe kunnen we ons geldsysteem dienend maken aan het maatschappelijke, lange termijn belang en de reële economie? Met o.a. Carlijn Kingma en Thomas Bollen.
ma 9 sep, 20.00
Filmscreening en nagesprek 14
Hajo, een Joodse vluchteling
Filmvertoning en nagesprek over zionisme, Islamofobie, anti-semitisme en xenofobie in Nederland.
ma 9 sep, 20.00
Designing Cities for All: RE-generation 27
Urban AI & Digitalisation
City Games in the Age of Urban AI W/ Play the City: Developing scenarios for potential roles of city games as Urban AI is entering city-making practices.
ma 9 sep, 20.00
De Bioborrel x PdZ
Is Bio Beter?
Feiten en fabels over de gezondheid van ons voedsel.
di 10 sep, 20.00
Collaborations for Future
Unexpected encounters #5
How do we make agreements on climate change?
wo 11 sep, 19.30
Tegenlicht Meet Up 246
Nederland bij de les
De kwaliteit van ons onderwijs staat onder druk, de basisvaardigheden van kinderen gaan achteruit en de vraag naar bijles neemt toe. Hoe komen we hieruit?
wo 11 sep, 20.00
Groene Transitie 42
The Big UN Climate Simulation Game
Can you align the perspectives of farmers, climate activists, industry and politicians in this interactive simulation game?
do 12 sep, 19.30
nai010 x PDZ
Nederlandse Waterwerken Wereldwijd
Een gesprek over internationale waterwerken en de invloed van Nederland daarop.
do 12 sep, 20.00
De Nieuwe Solidariteit 24
Stap uit de schaduw
Filmvertoning en nagesprek van de documentaire ‘Uit de schaduw’. Hoe kunnen mensen die vastgelopen zijn in de samenleving en de bureaucratie hun weg weer vinden?
do 12 sep, 20.00
Kringwijs presenteert: training voor buurtbewoners 1
Iemand Erbij
Leer hoe je het best kunt handelen in een crisissituatie met uiteenlopende problematiek.
vr 13 sep, 09.30
Het recht op demonstratie 2
Ken je rechten!
Wat zijn je rechten tijdens demonstraties? En hoe dreigen die te worden ingeperkt? Een gesprek en spoedcursus.
di 17 sep, 19.30
Fotokroniek 102
Awoiska van der Molen
In gesprek met fotograaf Awoiska van der Molen over de tentoonstelling 'The Humanness of Our Lonely Selves'.
di 17 sep, 20.00
Special & Diner
Week Tegen Racisme 2025: Meetup & Brainstorm
Denk mee over de programmering en activiteiten van de Week Tegen Racisme in maart 2025!
wo 18 sep, 18.00
VPRO Tegenlicht Special 2
De jeugdzorg van tegenwoordig
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wo 18 sep, 20.00
Mansplaining: The Manual
Wat zijn historische trends en actuele ontwikkelingen in mansplaining? Zes visionairs bespreken een bekend maar onderbelicht fenomeen.
wo 18 sep, 20.00
Requiem For Justice
Requiem For Justice 2024 – Day 1
Discussions, concerts, film screenings and theater performances by more than 60 artists, writers and civil society activists from around the world.
do 19 sep, 10.00
Requiem For Justice
Requiem For Justice 2024 – Day 2
Discussions, concerts, film screenings and theater performances by more than 60 artists, writers and civil society activists from around the world.
vr 20 sep, 14.00
In de spotlight