It will not have escaped your notice that we are in the middle of a socio-economic transition. As it becomes increasingly painfully clear that our current economic system is unsustainable due to advancing climate change and the collapse of biodiversity, there is more and more room for fundamentally different, pluralistic economic voices. The neo-classical economic dominance with its focus on welfare, improvement of living standards and economic growth is making way for a new focus on well-being, improvement of living standards and ecological growth. In this triptych, you get to know a number of radically new economic thinkers and radically new economic thinking.
Today we are talking about commons. Are commons the change agents of our economic system?
The Commoner’s Catalog for Changemaking is born of a simple realization: The world we have inherited is no longer working. The good news is….Commoners are building a new world of possibilities right now, through land trusts and relocalized food, collaborative finance and artist collectives, gift economies and open-source everything: essential tools for the transitions ahead.
Welke rol kunnen burgercollectieven spelen bij het oplossen van de problemen van deze tijd? Een belangrijke vraag nu de overheid zich terugtrekt en de private sector die taken maar deels overneemt.