The steadily tangible catastrophes surrounding climate change and the collapse of biodiversity make it all the more clear that the current neoclassical economic paradigm – focused on the pursuit of continuous economic growth and the improvement of the standard of living – is pertinently unsustainable. In the book THRIVE, Kees Klomp and Shinta Oosterwaal share their search for alternative economic approaches.
You can attend this event physically or online. When making your reservation, choose between a physical spot or an online reservation.
In the book THRIVE, a large number of internationally renowned new economic thinkers (including Kate Raworth, Christian Felber, Daniel Wahl, Joe Brewer, Charles Eisenstein, Jeremy Lent, Satish Kumar, John Fullerton, John Elkington, Katherine Trebeck, Hunter Lovins, Helena Norberg, Giorgos Kallis, Claire Brown, Vandana Shiva, Mark Anielski, Ralph Thurm & Bill Bate) share their thoughts in essays on amongst others, doughnut economics, wellbeing economics, common good economics, regenerative economics, buddhist economics, commons economics, local economics, bioregional economics, indigenous economics & degrowth economics. These are all new economic approaches that radically break with the current neoclassical economic tradition, and all economic approaches with a real, promising future. During the launch of THRIVE – fundamentals for a new economy several essayists will be present (online) at Pakhuis De Zwijger to share their essays and thoughts live.
DossierNieuwe Economie
Hoe laten we onze economie werken aan sociale en groene doelen?
With amongst others:

Kees Klomp
Leader of 'Agency!' and co-author Thrive - Fundamentals for a new economy

Shinta Oosterwaal
Co-author Thrive – Fundamentals for a new economy

Katherine Trebeck
Advocacy & Influencing Lead for the Wellbeing Economy Alliance

John Fullerton
Founder Capital Institute, unconventional economist, impact investor, writer, former banker

Caroline Hummels
Professor Design and Theory for Transformative Qualities at TU/e

Ralph Thurm
Founder & Managing Director A|HEAD|ahead

Rutger Hoekstra
Expert in "Beyond GDP" and "Beyond Profit" and author of "Replacing GDP by 2030"

Hans Stegeman
Hoofdeconoom Triodos Bank, Group Director Impact & Economics