American commons activist and scholar David Bollier says his most recent book, ‘The Commoners Catalogue for Changemaking,’ was born of a simple realisation: The world we have inherited is no longer working. Despite formidable challenges, he writes: “There is actually much good news. Below the radar screen of mainstream media and politics, a diverse and hardy cohort of commoners are building a new world of possibilities right now, through land trusts and relocalised food, collaborative finance and artist collectives, gift economies and open-source everything: essential tools for the transitions ahead.” On May 11 David Bollier will visit Pakhuis de Zwijger and he will be engaged in a wide-ranging conversation by lector purpose economy Kees Klomp on how commoning could address the structural and cultural problems of our time. Join the conversation and share your questions.

This event can only be attended physically at our studio. The recordings will be made available later on and can be viewed via or via our YouTube channel.

Kees Klomp will engage in a wide-ranging conversation with David Bollier to explore the promise of commoning to address the structural and cultural problems of our time.

About the speakers:

Kees Klomp studied political science and communication sciences at the University of Amsterdam. His book Thrive: Fundamentals for a new Economy was published last year, in which he and Shinta Oosterwaal consult with the most important and innovative economic thinkers, such as Kate Raworth, Charles Eisenstein, Clair Brown, Helena Norberg and Daniel Wahl. For an economy that focuses more on people and well-being than just profit.

David Bollier is an American activist, author and blogger who views the commons as a new paradigm to redefine economics, politics and culture. As director of the Reinventing the Commons programme at the Schumacher Center for a New Economics, Bollier is active in various international collaborations to promote commoning. He also regularly publishes pieces on his personal blog and monthly podcast Frontiers of Commoning. He has published ten books on the subject of commons, including The Commoner’s Catalog for Changemaking (2021), Free, Fair and Alive (2019), and Think Like a Commoner (2014).

DossierNieuwe Economie
Group 5 Thriving
Programme seriesNieuwe Economie

Al jarenlang is er een steeds grotere tweedeling te zien in onze maatschappij en neemt kansenongelijkheid toe. Het afgelopen jaar heeft de coronacrisis die kloof nog eens verder vergroot. Ons huidige economische systeem draagt bij aan het in stand houden van de tweedeling. En zolang bij ondernemen met name aandeelhouderswinsten en groei worden benadrukt, zullen de verschillen alleen maar groeier. In de serie Nieuwe Economie onderzoeken we op welke waarden we ons systeem wél willen en kunnen bouwen, zodat het bijdraagt aan een rechtvaardigere en eerlijkere verdeling. Hoe zorgen we dat onze economie voor iedereen werkt?