Renewable energy is a key to ending our dependency on fossil fuels. The materials needed to make solar panels, electric car batteries, windmills and other green energy technologies, however, are often extracted without considering their impact on surrounding communities. Most of the materials are mined in the Global South, including South Africa, which houses many manganese mines. During this evening, women from mining communities in South Africa will share their struggles as they deal with mining companies that make them poorer, sicker and much less safe. We will also dig into how we can address these injustices, while still allowing for the green revolution we so desperately need. If we don’t make our energy transition a just, feminist one, it will recreate colonial structures where once again women in the Global South pay the highest price.

You can attend this event physically or online. When making your reservation, choose between a physical spot or an online reservation.

About the speakers

Zita Pels (GroenLinks) was appointed as alderman for Sustainability, Energy Transition, Circular Economy, Housing, Animal Welfare, Waste and Cleaning, and Food in 2022. Pels will introduce the conversation this evening.

Monica Ngcobo is branch coordinator of Mining Affected Communities United in Action/Women Affected by Mining United in Action (MACUA/WAMUA) in Northern Cape, South Africa. She is committed to addressing women’s rights and advocates for land rights, gender-based violence and tackles the ongoing land and water crisis.

Mpho Nkawana is an activist and feminist and is the national administrator of MACUA/WAMUA. She organises events for International Women’s Day and training against gender-based violence and focuses on mobilising women to stand up for their rights.

Chihiro Geuzebroek is a Bolivian-Dutch artist, writer, organizer and trainer in decolonial climate justice perspectives and practices. She is the Director Producer of feature Radical Friends and Co-Founder of Aralez Foundation. She combines activism with writing and performing protest songs, spoken word poetry and art.

Joseph Wilde-Ramsing is Director of Advocacy at SOMO, where he challenges corporate power and advocates for systemic change concerning the role of multinational corporations in our economy and society. With a background as researcher, advocate and activist, he is passionate about empowering people in their pursuit for justice and corporate accountability.

Lisa Minère is Project Manager in Fair Mining at Fairphone. Fairphone is a Dutch smartphone manufacturer that prioritizes sustainability, repairability and fair production practices. Their mission is to motivate the industry to act more responsibly by establishing a market for ethical electronics.

Danielle Hirsch is a candidate member of parliament for the dutch Green Party (PvdA/GroenLinks) and director of environmental- and human rights organization Both ENDS. She has worked within global civil society networks of social movements and engages with a wide range of actors in the Netherlands, challenging its trade and investment agenda to move towards a foreign policy agenda that support sustianable futures for people everywhere

About the moderator

Hajar Yagkoubi is a former UN Youth Representative for the Netherlands. During her time there, she collected input from young people on human rights, security and the climate crisis to present to the UN. Currently, she works on enhancing youth participation, sustainability and human rights through her own company via public speaking and consultancy.


This event is developed by
Programme seriesFeminist Climate Academy

ActionAid organiseert dit najaar voor de derde keer de Feminist Climate Academy, een programma waarin we jonge mensen klaarstomen om in actie te komen voor het klimaat. Tijdens de Academy gaan we dieper in op klimaatrechtvaardigheid vanuit feministisch perspectief en kijken we naar hoe verschillende vormen van ongelijkheid overlappen en elkaar versterken. Hierbij zetten we het werk en de visies van vrouwen uit het mondiale Zuiden centraal.