Growing up with Dutch series and films, Yassin Karmoudi saw his peers (Dutch Moroccans) always being portrayed as stereotypes. They were either a street thug or some suicide bomber who blew himself up halfway through the story. That kept him wondering if this was all Dutch Morrocans could represent. Join the panel where we discuss how to free films, series, and documentaries from stereotypes. Creating opportunities for artists with diverse backgrounds to tell their own authentic stories.
This event can only be attended physically at our studio. The recordings will be made available later on and can be viewed via or via our YouTube channel.
DossierSamen Tegen Racisme

Biography of Yassin Karmoudi
At a young age, Yassin developed an unconditional love for stories which inspired him to become a storyteller. As a storyteller and impact manager, Yassin worked on various projects from international animation series to award-winning interactive documentaries and helped different organizations, both national and international, to profile themselves. Yassin is one of the three founders of a grassroots initiative New Producers Academy. As of October 2021, Yassin also joined the NPO Fund as their Secretary of Talent.


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Programme seriesWeek Tegen Racisme 2022

Als onderdeel van de coalitie Samen Tegen Racisme organiseren Pakhuis de Zwijger en het Comité 21 Maart dit jaar de vierde editie van de jaarlijkse Week Tegen Racisme. Dit in de aanloop naar de landelijke demonstratie die jaarlijks plaatsvindt in het kader van de Internationale Dag Tegen Racisme die valt op 21 maart. De Week Tegen Racisme 2022 biedt een interdisciplinair programma vol kunst, films, muziek, spoken word, storytelling, lezingen, workshops en dialoog. Hierbij werken we samen met kunstenaars in allerlei disciplines, maatschappelijke organisaties en stadmakers. Tijdens het festival agenderen we een groot aantal onderwerpen binnen de hoofdthema’s racisme en discriminatie, zoals politiek, onderwijs, vluchtelingen-vraagstukken en klimaatracisme.