What is your understanding of queerness throughout history? Explore the diverse facets of queerness in history from non-white and various cultural perspectives, transcending beyond the present. Join us to delve into this unique context and gain insights directly form the experiences of queer individuals themselves.
ماذا تعلم عن الكويرية عبر التاريخ؟ هل تريد أن تعرف المزيد عن الكويرية من مختلف
الثقافات والحضارات في الماضي وحوله وليس الحاضر فقط؟ ربّما من منظور مختلف، تعرّف على
ذلك من منظور الكوير أنفسهم.

About the speakers
Safa is a trans nonbinary performance artist from the Middle East/Iran. Safa has been developing a performative way of translating the Farsi poetry of Hafez and Rumi. In translating the symbolism and allegories of this poetry, Safa draws comparisons between the spiritual Sufi path and their struggles as a queer BIPOC in the West.
Aryelle Foster who also goes by Aryelle Freeman Hopelezz is a performer, model and activist. One of the board members for Europe on HIV prevention for key population. With KP Advisory group of GBGMC. Also we will watch her movie about Black Joy.
Hawar Arkawazi (she/her) is a Human Rights advocate and LGBTQI+ activist and educator with 10+ years of experience in the field of International development, skilled in project management and coordination. Arkawazi is a trans advocate with technical expertise in Research, Gender & Equality, Youth, Humanitarian Programming, Strategic Communication and Migration.
Neysara Rai is the founder of Transgender India. She is an Indian-Dutch transgender woman and works in the IT industry.
About the moderator
Nour Anne Abdullah fled from Kuwait to the Netherlands at the age of thirty-five and started working here in no time as an LGBTQ+ information officer in schools and as a Trans United team member. She likes to write, photograph, dance and do creative things.
About the evening
During this meeting we want to focus mainly on LGBTQI+ Muslims and their friends and/or relatives. Other interested parties are welcome, if they keep away from racism, Islamophobia, homonationalism, homophobia and transphobia. This evening we want to celebrate our similarities and differences.