Greyston Bakery started in 1982 when the founder, Zen Buddhist Bernie Glassman, built a social company to employ individuals who faced barriers to meaningful employment. The hiring process was simple, accept anyone with a will to work, a process we now call Open Hiring®. That means no interviews, no background checks, and no resumes are required to get a job. Recognizing that employment is just the first step toward self-sufficiency Greyston Bakery quickly expanded into several social and community services areas and is nowadays a big inspiration for many (social) companies worldwide. Join the conversation between Joseph Kenner and Kees Klomp, on the magic of Buddhist Economics, Greyston Bakery and the Open Hiring process.

A conversation with

Joseph D. Kenner was named president and CEO of Greyston in April 2020.

He joined the Greyston executive team in 2018 as the vice president of programmes and partnerships, responsible for directing Greyston Workforce Development and Community Wellness strategies and activities. Since then, Greyston has delivered millions of dollars in economic impact through job placements and expanded employer and service provider relationships.

Kenner previously served as deputy commissioner at the Westchester County (NY) Department of Social Services, and spent 14 years in corporate America, working in insurance underwriting/risk management, capital markets, and sales strategy. He was first appointed and then twice-elected a Village of Port Chester (NY) Board of Trustee member, and also served as Deputy Mayor of Port Chester. He holds an MBA (financial management) from Pace University’s Lubin School of Business, is a graduate off Williams College (MA), and attended Oxford University (Exeter College).

Joseph Kenner will be interviewed by Kees Klomp, professor of applied science at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science, specializing in the research and development of an existential approach to economics. He is also co-founder of Thrive Institute: an organisation that aims to reinvent economics & society.

In collaboration with
Programme seriesOndernemers voor de nieuwe economie

In een nieuwe, ideale economie putten bedrijven de aarde niet uit, laten ze nergens vervuiling en destructie achter en zorgen ze niet langer voor uitbuiting en ongelijke behandeling van mensen. Makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan, want een nieuwe economie heeft een “systeemverandering” nodig, met “gelijke speelvelden”, “taxonomieën”, “governance shifts” en “circulaire businessmodellen”. Maar je kunt natuurlijk ook gewoon van start gaan. Ontmoet in deze reeks inspirerende ondernemers, van startups tot pioniers binnen bestaande bedrijven, en leer hoe je zelf kunt ondernemen in de nieuwe economie.