Urban development projects always question the best and most efficient way to address various stakeholders’ collaboration. Balancing conflicting interests has always been a key topic in urban development management. With this being said, community building as an interactive form of design and planning is an influential tool for that. Together with researchers, practitioners, and designers, we will explore the best ways to build a community and guide better future urban developments.

You can attend this event physically or online. When making your reservation, choose between a physical spot or an online reservation.

This program is part of EUREKA project. European Urban Regenerators Knowledge Alliance (EUREKA) is a three-year project set to create a multidisciplinary curriculum, designed jointly by universities, cultural practitioners and policy-makers , for a rising professional profile of urban innovators. The project will identify needed skills and develop training that addresses the current job market’s demands across Europe. EUREKA is a platform to co-design training that responds to real-life challenges of urban transformation and provides skills and tools to make our cities more sustainable and inclusive.

About the speakers

Tjeerd Haccou is an architect and co-founder of Space&Matter , an Amsterdam-based design studio that specializes in architecture, circular area development, and vision-making. By designing new business models, taking pro-active lead in developments, and introducing online technologies into real estate, space&matter realized a number of unconventional projects, ranging from an off-grid creative incubator in refurbished houseboats ( DeCeuvel ) to an online platform to kickstart the transformation of vacant real estate (CrowdBuilding). CrowdBuildingcontributes to the housing challenge in the Netherlands in a fair, sustainable, and social way and makes collective self-building accessible to everyone. CrowdBuilding connects motivated home seekers with a shared living dream and brings them into contact with building projects, construction groups, and construction sites to make their collective housing ideas a reality.

Listen to his podcast through this link:

Ellen van Bueren ’s work focuses on The governance and management of urban development processes in support of a sustainable built environment. As a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology and Principal Investigator at the AMS Institute , she is involved in research and teaching in educational programs, many of an interdisciplinary nature. In her research and teaching, she addresses the challenges involved in preparing cities for the future, by making them more resilient, resource-efficient, and sustainable.New technologies (eg smart technologies, renewable energy technologies) and concepts (eg climate adaptation, circular economy, industrial symbiosis) lead to a reconfiguration of urban systems and actor networks, calling for institutional change and novel governance arrangements to provide adequate responses. The development of new modes of multi-level, cross-sectoral governance, planning, and management, and the environments of experimentation in which innovations are co-created and implemented, including living labs, are at the core of her chair.

Gert Joost Peek is a lecturer in Area Development and Transition Management at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. He also owns SPOT-ON Consulting , where he advises, speaks, chairs and writes about urban area development and supervises projects. He designs and coordinates area and project development education for the Amsterdam School of Real Estate (ASRE) . As a board member of the I’M Binck Foundation – an independent, open platform of and for companies, residents, and organizations – he contributes to the development of the Binckhorst business park in The Hague into a powerful sustainable work-living area.

Jonel Nugteren is the senior project manager of the Amstel III which is an area with old office buildings and is making way for a green mixed city district where you can live, work and do fun things. Amstel III will be a mixed-use area for everyone. For residents and entrepreneurs who are already established in Zuidoost and the Bijlmer.

EUREKA Training Urban Innovators
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
The moderator of this event is
Servaz van Berkum