What methods and tactics does speculative fiction offer when dealing with everyday encounters of racism, especially within the classroom? How can storytelling in spaces of solidarity give young adults both an emotional outlet and a sense of empowerment by helping them process their experiences of perceived “otherness” in a new light? Nigerian-American author Nnedi Okorafor’s Nsibidi Script Series (Akata Witch, Akata Warrior, and Akata Woman) poignantly weave in stories of the West-African colonial past, slavery, and racism, as well as the ongoing corruption, pollution, and wars in the Niger Delta with elements of Africanjujuism and Africanfuturism in an inspiring coming-of-age story. This event, led by Pırıltı Onukar, the English-to-Turkish translator of the novels, will activate the fantastical world of Okorafor, offering participants an opportunity to read and perform passages from the novels, to listen to each other, and fabulate their own narratives that deal with the topic of racism.

This is a small workshop designed for participants aged 10-16, with a limited capacity of 15 spots. Prior reading of the books is not required to take part in the event. Please note, this event is at the Bijlmer Parktheater in Amsterdam-Zuidoost.

About the author

Nnedi Okorafor is an international award-winning New York Times bestselling novelist of science fiction and fantasy for children, young adults and adults. Born in the United States to Nigerian immigrant parents, Nnedi is known for drawing from African cultures to create captivating stories with unforgettable characters and evocative settings. Nnedi has received the World Fantasy, Nebula, Eisner and Lodestar Awards and multiple Hugo Awards, amongst others, for her books. Champions of her work include Neil Gaiman, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, George RR Martin, and Rick Riordan. Literary ancestors Diana Wynne Jones, Ursula K. Le Guin and Nawal El Saadawi also loved her work. Nnedi holds a PhD in Literature, two Master’s Degrees (Journalism and Literature) and lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her daughter Anyaugo. Learn more at nnedi.com. You can also follow her on Twitter (@nnedi) and Instagram (@nnediokorafor).

About the organizer of the event

Pırıltı Onukar (Istanbul, 1994) is an artist, translator, and olive farmer, currently based in Amsterdam. Following a Bachelor’s in philosophy at Vassar College (2016), Pırıltı received her MA in Artistic Research at the University of Amsterdam (2024).

Pırıltı is the English-to-Turkish translator of the Xenogenesis trilogy (Dawn, Adulthood Rites, and Imago) and the Patternist series (Wild Seed, Mind of My Mind, Clay’s Ark, and Patternmaster) by Octavia E. Butler, and the Nsibidi Script series (Akata Witch, Akata Warrior, and Akata Woman) by Nnedi Okorafor. She was a panelist at Gathering Earthseed; a full-day gathering at W139 that emerged from the legacy and spirit of Octavia E. Butler’s work and her literary universe; and a facilitator in Manifestation #62: Reading Group Goddess Change the monthly speculative fiction reading group which was hosted in Buro Stedelijk’s Studio Space since March 2024.

Pırıltı’s artistic creations and collaborations range from installations to film and interactive theater, and have been shown in various cinemas, stages, and galleries in Istanbul, Izmir, New York, Mexico City, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, and Leiden. Her current research revolves around shared experiences as memory practices and community building through play.

DossierSamen Tegen Racisme
This programme is about
This event is developed by
Kjelld Masoud Kroon
Programmamaker Dekolonisatie
Programme seriesWeek Tegen Racisme 2025

Pakhuis de Zwijger en Comité 21 maart organiseren van 17 t/m 22 maart 2025 de 7e editie van de jaarlijkse Week Tegen Racisme (WTR), een programma in aanloop naar de landelijke Demonstratie Tegen Racisme. De WTR biedt een interdisciplinair programma vol theater, film, muziek, spoken word, storytelling, lezingen, workshops en dialoog. Hierbij werken we samen met kunstenaars in allerlei disciplines, maatschappelijke organisaties en stadmakers. Tijdens het festival agenderen we een groot aantal onderwerpen binnen de hoofdthema’s racisme en discriminatie, zo behandelen we onder meer politiek, polarisering, sport, onderwijs, vluchtelingen-vraagstukken en klimaatracisme.