The Netherlands, like many European countries, has embraced mental healthcare as an important issue. It has contributed to an increase in literature and books on managing mental health issues. Unfortunately, however, the Netherlands, like other European countries, also suffers from institutional racism. This evening we will talk about the importance of awareness when it comes to cultural differences within mental health care. For example, to what extent is it possible to find a psychologist who is black or ‘of color’ within dutch hospitals or medical institutions? Join us for presentations and panel conversations on mental health care in the Netherlands.

Background of the program:
Whose psychiatric practices, theories, and applications are in use most commonly in the Netherlands and why? What is “Intercultural” or “Transcultural” therapy? and What are the experiences of black and other persons ‘of color’ working in ‘Mental Health Care’ in the Netherlands? Expect vibrant discussions and presentations, useful information, audience Q & A, and related spoken word performances. This event is a collaboration with the InterNational AntiRacism Group/INARG. The program was originally part of the Week Against Racism in 2020 that had to be cancelled due to corona.

Links to initiatives:
– Overzicht van zwarte psychologen in Nederland, link.
– Toolkit on race and mental health at work, link.
– American Indian and Alaska Native society of Indian psychologists, link.
– Black, African, Asian, Caribbean Therapy Network (UK based, online sessions possible), link

This programme is about
This event is developed by
Max de Ploeg
Programmamaker Inclusieve Stad en Projectleider Week Tegen Racisme
In collaboration with
The moderator of this event is
Programme seriesInstitutioneel Racisme

Door de recente Black Lives Matter demonstraties is het begrip van Institutioneel racisme onderdeel van het gesprek geworden bij de Nederlandse samenleving, de media en het politieke debat. Maar wat is Institutioneel racisme eigenlijk? En hoe kunnen we institutioneel racisme begrijpen als historisch fenomeen in relatie tot kolonialisme? En hoe zien we de doorwerking van deze geschiedenis vandaag de dag terug? In de vierluik Institutioneel Racisme gaan we in op deze vragen en proberen we te komen tot nieuwe perspectieven die kunnen bijdragen aan dekolonisatie en herstel.