The event is part of the campaign “Pathway to Redemption” in order to establish General pardon for all “rejected asylum seekers and all immigrants residing in the Nederland for minimum of 5 years, including Ex-Dutch surinamese since their independence 1975 and Aged above 55 years old, been in limbo over 15 years”. We are now at a point in time where asylum seekers who get rejected are living without rights sometimes for decades long in the Netherlands. As the Dutch parliament has fallen, this is the time to push for a general pardon campaign to make sure the people who are living without rights and the ‘right’ documents in the Netherlands will get their status. During this program we will talk together with the Afrikaanse Vluchtelingen Collectief, politicians and grassroots organisations on how to make sure we can move together into action towards the nation wide demonstration on September 15th.

Background information on demonstration and petition:
The demonstration will take place in Amsterdam, Den Haag, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Zaandam. You can follow for updates on the facebook page of Afrikaanse Vluchtelingen collectieven. Below on the flyer you can see the information, feel free to help and spread the flyer yourself. The campaign aims to build a community that wil continue to organize actions for the rights of rejected asylum seekers and all immigrants residing in the Nederland for minimum of 5 years, including Ex-Dutch surinamese since their independence 1975 and Aged above 55 years old, been in limbo over 15 years If you like to support the campaign you can contact [email protected].
Time to put forward Petitie Generaal Pardon, we need a general pardon encompassing all rejected asylum seekers all immigrants been residing in Netherland for minimum of 5 years , included former Dutch Suriname post their independence in 1975, aged 55 years been residing over 15 years in Nederland. You can find the petition here.