What should the social contract of a tolerant city look like? The Amsterdam conference on tolerance will discuss the meaning of tolerance, respect, acceptance and appreciation with a variety of international researchers, local politicians and inspirations. The conference was initiated by city council member Tjakko Dijk in 2018 and is hosted by the city government. The general sessions will reflect on daily city-life experiences: what is tolerance? How to measure it? What can citizens expect of each other and of the city government? The theme sessions will zoom in on the themes: work, education and sports. Actively join and participate online on January 20th!
This programme will be translated and subtitled via Zoom. Click on “Closed Caption (CC)” to see the subtitles.

Program (Central European Time):
Plenary program
13.00-13.05 Opening
13.05-14.20 Amsterdam Panel: Tolerance in Amsterdam
14.20-14.30 BreakParallel theme sessions
14.30-16.00 Theme session: Tolerance at Work
14.30-16.00 Theme session: Tolerance at School
14.30-16.00 Theme session: Tolerance in SportsPlenary program
16.00-16.15 Break
16.15-17.30 General session: What is tolerance?
17.30 Closing
Theme session: Tolerance at School
Global inequalities, economic growth and globalisation have contributed to more culturally, religious and ethnically diverse cities, as well as schools. Without any doubt, schools are one of the major institutions of socialization today. In a tolerant city, how should schools promote tolerance and inclusion? What are the roles of the educators? What type of support can they ask from parents and students? What are good practices in schools to promote tolerance & inclusion? How can parents and students help to promote inclusion and tolerance? These are just triggering questions for a debate on what a tolerant school should look like.
- Marcel Maussen is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, at the University of Amsterdam. His research interests include the accommodation of religious diversity and in particular of Islam in Western Europe, the regulation of speech and anti-racism in the Netherlands. Together with Professor Veit Bader, Maussen participated in the Accept Pluralism project, a Research Project, funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Program. The project investigated whether European societies have become more or less tolerant during the past 20 years.
- Maggie Wissink is policy advisor on education for the municipality of the city of Amsterdam. She works on the programm of citizenship education and diversity in education. Before, she was policy advisor for gender equality at the national department of Education, Culture and Science and policy advisor on the rights of the child at the department of Health, Welfare and Sports.
- Sabine Wassenberg (1981) is a philosopher specialized in philosophy for children. In primary and secondary education she teaches kids how to philosophize together, to ’think and talk about questions that have no right answer’. Sabine is trainer for teachers and writer of educational books for teachers on philosophy for children. She writes for young readers as well, the picture books Philo & Sophia and De Zoon van de Gazelle (a 12th century Islamic myth retold for children- coming out April ’22). At the moment she’s creating her fourth edition of the yearly philosophical puzzle book, Het Onwijs Grote Filosofie Doeboek. To conclude, she wrote non-fiction, for example Kinderlogica – filosoferen in een multiculturele klas, describing her experiences in diverse classes, and her musings on the related diversity related topics.