This conversation is about embracing your identity and increasing your authenticity and self-love. In this way you can create your own life within the system, which is not yet ready to recognize and support us as such.

About the Speakers
DJ Lynnée Denise
DJ Lynnée Denise is an artist, scholar, and writer whose work reflects on underground cultural movements, the 1980s, migration studies, theories of escape, and electronic music of the African Diaspora. Her work on DJ scholarship has been featured at prestigious institutions and in publications including the Broad Museum, the Tate Modern, Savvy Contemporary Gallery in Berlin, Iziko South African Museum, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, Journal of Popular Music Studies, The Black Scholar and Women Who Rock. She is a 2020-2021 Artist-in-Residence at Stanford University and a lecturer for African American Studies at UCLA. Her current book project, Why Big Mama Matters will be published in 2022 by the University of Texas Press.
Dr. Anne de Graaf
Dr. Anne de Graaf has been the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) since November 2017. Her roles include helping drive the process of cultural change at the UvA toward greater equity, diversity and inclusion. As CDO she is charged with identifying, stimulating, creating and facilitating initiatives both inside and outside the institution; including, for example, her advice on competency-based hiring processes for the UvA, but also for the VSNU and Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. Anne is also Senior Lecturer at Amsterdam University College (AUC), where she teaches “Human Rights Human Security” and “Peace Lab.”
Mpho Tutu van Furth
Mpho Tutu van Furth is Anglicaans priester, spreker, schrijver, theoloog, kunstenares, moeder en jongste dochter van de wereldberoemde Zuid-Afrikaanse aartsbisschop en mensenrechtenactivist Desmond Tutu die samen met Nelson Mandela tegen de apartheid streed (hij kreeg daarvoor de Nobelprijs voor de vrede in 1984). Ze groeide op in Zuid-Afrika tijdens de apartheid. Mpho Tutu van Furth studeerde elektrotechniek in de Washington, werkte in New York met vluchtelingen en was onder andere oprichter en directeur van The Tutu Institute for Prayer and Pelgrimage en directeur van The Desmond & Leah Tutu legacy foundation dat streeft naar vrede en gerechtigheid.
Dr. Francio Guadeloupe
Francio Guadeloupe has been a tenured staff member of the Department of Anthropology since 2013, combining public anthropology with a love for teaching and doing ethnographic research. He is also a senior research fellow at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV-KNAW).