ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and other new AI developments suddenly make a future with human-level AI seem a lot less distant. But what will happen when we reach AGI, or an AI that can do any cognitive task as well as we can? Can we control this new technology? Is it possible to make sure it always acts in our interest, even after self-improvement? And what can policymakers do now to help ensure a good outcome? Join us for a peek into what may not only be the future of AI, but the future of all of us.
Header: © Image created by Anna Husfeldt, released under CC-BY SA 3.0

About the speakers
Stuart Russell is one of the world’s leading professors in AI and AI Safety. He has co-authored the leading undergrad textbook on AI AI: A Modern Approach and authored one of the leading texts on AI Safety, Human Compatible. He also leads the Center for Human-Compatible AI (CHAI) at UC Berkeley.
Queeny Rajkowski is MP for the VVD. Her portfolio includes Digitalisation, the Intelligence Service AIVD, Cybersecurity, and Cybercrime. In the past, she worked for a tech company and was a candidate for the show De Slimste Mens.
Tim Bakker is a PhD student in AI at the University of Amsterdam, who has interned at Facebook AI. His research focuses on active learning and active sensing through reinforcement learning.
Lammert van Raan is MP for the Partij voor de Dieren. His portfolio includes green tax reforms, climate and energy, IT, and privacy. In the past, he worked for a telecom company in marketing and internet technology.
Mark Brakel is the Director of Policy at the Future of Life Institute and has extensive experience in practical policy-making at the EU level, notably with the AI Act.
Nandi Robijns is an AI and data consultant at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations of the Netherlands. She obtained a master’s in AI at the University of Edinburgh.