In Designing Cities for All (DCFA) we dive into the matter of (re)designing inclusive cities. Next to inviting many designers, scientists, experts, educational institutions, and other involved partners to participate- we invited a total of six Fellows to curate part of the programme. After our 2021 Fellows Lyongo Juliana, Dark Matter Labs, and Galit Ariel, and OneWorld in the first months of 2022, we are happy to welcome Daphina Misiedjan as our next Fellow! In her DCFA Fellowship, Daphina, who is an expert on environmental justice and human rights, will take us on her mission to (re)think the way people and the environment are related. Together we’ll explore how different social and environmental circumstances can create inequalities on a local, regional and international level.
This programme will be subtitled live! To follow with live subtitles, click this link.

About the Fellow
Dr. Daphina Misiedjan is an assistant-professor in human rights and the environment at International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague and 2020/2021 Fellow at The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS). In addition, she is an expert within the UN Harmony with Nature program. She specializes in issues concerning human rights and environmental justice, specifically concerning Environmental Justice within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Rights of Nature and Environmental Justice form local city and neighborhood perspectives.
About the speakers
Dr. Virissa Lenters is an Assistant Professor in environmental epidemiology at the University Medical Center Utrecht and Utrecht University. She investigates how air pollution, the built environment, chemicals, and plastic pollution affect our health, particularly reproductive and child health. She also researches disparities in exposure to pollution and factors that promote resilience and susceptibility to environmental insults. She is engaged with advancing risk assessment frameworks for pollutants from a human and planetary health perspective.
Dr. Julian Agyeman is a professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. He is the originator of the increasingly influential concept of just sustainabilities, the intentional integration of social justice and environmental sustainability. He centres his research on critical explorations of the complex and embodied relations between humans and the urban environment, whether mediated by governments or social movement organizations, and their effects on public policy and planning processes and outcomes, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity.
Listen to this episode of Just Sustainable where Julian Agyeman talks about the steps that communities have taken to become more justly sustainable among other topics.
Dr Robert Vonk is a senior advisor at the Council for Public Health & Society (RVS) . His work focuses on the relationship between inequalities, health and the social and physical environment. His most recent work deals with the relationship between financial strain, debt and health. Between 2013 and 2020 he worked for the Public Health Foresight unit of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and as a consultant for WHO Europe. He is a visiting fellow at the department of Health Systems & Insurance at the Erasmus School for Health Policy & Management .