On the 8th of March Periodic is hosting an event on menstrual education and the importance of youth participation. This is a safe space where you can freely discuss everything related to the menstrual cycle. We talk about pain, blood, emotions, and address both the mental and physical effects of having a cycle. Nothing is taboo; you can share your own experiences or listen to the experiences of others. It’s entirely up to you. Do you want to engage in a conversation with other interested individuals? Then come to Cycle Chronicles.

Please note! This programme is part of the FemTopia festival. Make your reservation for this programme via the festival page.

Cycle Chronicles is an initiative of Periodic NL aimed at breaking the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation by initiating and facilitating conversations that are focused on the menstruating body. The stigma and taboos surrounding menstruation are unfortunately still obstacles when it comes to fighting period poverty and achieving menstrual equity. The taboo affects political debates and whether people experiencing menstrual poverty dare to ask for help. To properly advocate for menstrual equity, the social and medical stigma and feelings of shame need to be addressed and deconstructed. The steps to achieving a more open conversation are to have public conversations and promote the education of menstrual health to the wider population.

Periodic NL is an initiative dedicated to combating menstrual poverty. Through countless efforts, collaborations and events, we have been able to advocate for menstrual equity and fight against period poverty. Periodic has seen a gradual shift in discussions around period poverty and menstruation in the Netherlands. From universities, schools and municipalities participating in pilots and discussions, our next step is to bring this cause to the attention of legislators in government through partnerships with local politicians and constituents.

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