This programme is part of the event Creative Europe Day. Please visit the main page to reserve your spot for this programme.

Experience the power of film on June 5th during Creative Europe Day.
The documentary ‘Navalny’, opening film of Movies that Matter Festival in 2022, concludes with Navalny’s message to the Russian people: “Don’t to give up, the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing. So don’t be inactive.” With the knowledge we have now, it makes the documentary more relevant than ever. Film opens doors to new worlds, enhances empathy, and promotes social change. Films have an ability to break taboos, inspire critical dialogue and drive social change. Through the Creative Europe Programme, the EU contributes to social cohesion, gender equality, artistic and journalistic freedom, cultural diversity, human rights and cross-border cooperation. With European elections approaching, we engage in discussions with compelling speakers on the importance of European cultural cooperation for democracy.

This session will be moderated by Bahram Sadeghi.

About the speakers

Maarten Stoltz is senior programmer Movies that Matter. Movies that Matter festival’s mission is to broaden views on human rights, they focus on stories from all parts of the world that address human action, the socio-political status quo and fundamental issues such as democracy, justice, freedom and sustainability.

Hugo Emmerzael is an Amsterdam-based film critic and programmer. He’s an editor of
independent Dutch print magazine Filmkrant, and a contributor to outlets such as MUBI
Notebook and Senses of Cinema. His curational work bridges experimental film and
mainstream cinema, discovering new approaches to programming and engaging with



The moderator of this event is
Bahram Sadeghi
Schrijver/ Moderator
Programme seriesDe toekomst van Europa

In 2024 kan de halve wereld gebruikmaken van haar stemrecht. Een heus verkiezingsjaar. In juni is het de beurt aan ons continent om te stemmen voor een nieuw Europees Parlement. De invloed van Europa is enorm, maar de kennis en aandacht hiervoor is vaak minimaal. Nu de (Europese)verkiezingen voor de deur staan vinden we het daarom des te belangrijker om een programma reeks te ontwikkelen over Europa en de verkiezingen. Waar stemmen we precies voor en wat doet een Europarlementariër eigenlijk? Tijdens deze programmareeks leer je alles over de werking van de Europese Unie, welke besluiten er worden gemaakt in Brussel en verkennen we de huidige staat- en de toekomst van Europa.