During the European elections from 6 to 9 June 2024, more than 370 million Europeans will vote for the future of the European Union. Across Europe and beyond, we face enormous challenges that we cannot solve as a single country. The outcome of these elections therefore has consequences for our daily lives. At the same time, democracy in Europe is under pressure as foreign players try to disrupt elections and democratic processes in the EU. In this special edition of the Creative Europe Day, as part of the Europe’s Finest Hours programme in Pakhuis de Zwijger on June 5, we demonstrate how the Creative Europe programme positively contributes to democracy and democratic values in wider Europe.

About the Creative Europe Day

Every year, the Creative Europe Desk of DutchCulture organises the Creative Europe Day, on which we discuss current developments within the Creative Europe programme. In addition to the three sub-sessions for Cross-sectoral, Culture and MEDIA around democracy, our advisors are also available for consultations all day long.

Timetable Creative Europe Day
09:30-10:30 | CROSS SECTORAAL: Combatting Disinformation: Cross-Border Journalistic Initiatives

In the run-up to the European elections, we will be talking to initiators of cross-border journalistic initiatives who are advocating for a free and independent press in Europe in an original way. How does that work in practice? Which tactics are effective in the fight against disinformation? What impact do they hope to achieve and what threats lurk?

Click here for more information about this programme.

11:00-12:00 | MEDIA: Film as a Catalyst for Social Change

In this programme we will discuss the power of film and the importance of European cultural cooperation for democracy.

Click here for more information about this programme.

13:30-14:30 | CULTURE: Debating the Role of European Cultural Cooperation in a Divided World

With the European elections around the corner, we ask our speakers: how important is European cultural cooperation for democracy and open society?

Click here for more information about this programme.

Programme seriesDe toekomst van Europa

In 2024 kan de halve wereld gebruikmaken van haar stemrecht. Een heus verkiezingsjaar. In juni is het de beurt aan ons continent om te stemmen voor een nieuw Europees Parlement. De invloed van Europa is enorm, maar de kennis en aandacht hiervoor is vaak minimaal. Nu de (Europese)verkiezingen voor de deur staan vinden we het daarom des te belangrijker om een programma reeks te ontwikkelen over Europa en de verkiezingen. Waar stemmen we precies voor en wat doet een Europarlementariƫr eigenlijk? Tijdens deze programmareeks leer je alles over de werking van de Europese Unie, welke besluiten er worden gemaakt in Brussel en verkennen we de huidige staat- en de toekomst van Europa.