One of the most influential political films in history, The Battle of Algiers, by Gillo Pontecorvo, vividly re-creates a key year in the tumultuous Algerian struggle for independence from the occupying French in the 1950s. Shot on the streets of Algiers in documentary style, depicting the horrors and the raw reality of decolonization in French-occupied Algeria. The movie was banned for five years in France and has become a classic among film critics as well as the wider public, as it vividly re-creates a key year in the tumultuous Algerian struggle for independence from the occupying French in the 1950s.

After screening the movie we will open the floor to a Q&A with the audience. The movie will be an entry point to discuss the broader topics and debates of (de)colonization and the question of violence in the context of anti-colonial resistance movements.

With in this event...
19:30-19:40: Introduction
19:40-21:40: Filmscreening
21:40-22:00: Q&A
22:00-00:00: We can continue the conversation at the bar.
DossierSamen Tegen Racisme

Extra info

Movie: Battle of the Algiers
Year: 1966
Genre: Drama | War

Director: Gillo Pontecorvo

Writers: Franco Solinas, Gillo Pontecorvo

Country: Italy, Algeria

Language: Arabic, French (English subtitles)

This event is developed by
In collaboration with
The moderator of this event is
Ibrahim Abul-Essad
Programme seriesWeek Tegen Racisme 2023

Pakhuis de Zwijger en Comité 21 maart organiseren van 13 t/m 16 maart 2023 de 5de editie van de jaarlijkse Week Tegen Racisme (WTR), een programma in aanloop naar de landelijke Demonstratie Tegen Racisme. De WTR biedt een interdisciplinair programma vol theater, film, muziek, spoken word, storytelling, lezingen, workshops en dialoog. Hierbij werken we samen met kunstenaars in allerlei disciplines, maatschappelijke organisaties en stadmakers. Tijdens het festival agenderen we een groot aantal onderwerpen binnen de hoofdthema’s racisme en discriminatie, zo behandelen we onder meer politiek, onderwijs, vluchtelingen-vraagstukken en klimaatracisme.