On the vast Mongolian steppe, climate change has a huge impact on the lives of traditional herders and their horses. Sustainable manufactured horse hides can play a key role in the survival of nomadic herding. Two entrepreneurs, the Dutch Matthea and the Mongolian Zack, set up together a traceable horse leather chain while keeping the local cultural values alive. But producing a sustainable product is not a simple checklist, especially not in the leather sector. Together, Zack and Matthea overcome many difficulties to fulfill their dream. During this programme, we will watch the screening of ‘A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step’ and afterward dive deeper into the topic of producing sustainable leather products.

About the programme
During this programme we will watch the documentary and afterwards, have a conversation with the involved experts. We will zoom in on the leather sector in a polluting fashion industry. Mongolia is a place where climate change, geo-political relations and international trade influence each other. This evening we will dive into topics such as climate change, local solutions to global issues and the power of collaboration.
Een democratisch lichtje in een zee van autocratische duisternis. Ingeklemd tussen Rusland en China, de twee meest gevreesde autocratieën ter wereld, wordt het land steeds vaker gedwongen vrijheid en autonomie op te offeren voor stabiliteit en veiligheid. En dan dreigt het land ook nog eens één grote woestijn te worden. Nergens anders warmt het klimaat zo snel op.
Het klimaat in Mongolië is sinds de millenniumwisseling beduidend heter en droger geworden.