In the last edition of our programme series Queercity, all the stops were pulled out. Sorab Roustayar, founder of Fite Qlub, created together with Pakhuis de Zwijger an incredible space for the queer community to celebrate themselves. The evening was filled with dance, music and art to celebrate the BIPOC-queer community. The 2nd of november marked one year of Queer city programming at Pakhuis de Zwijger, where we have celebrated sexual liberation, being queer and polyamory and many more arts and conversations with riots and legends and will continue to do so.
The evening kicked off with a performance of the music group La Batuta Feminista, a group that unites to vibrate with music in struggle, resistance and resilience. They were joined on stage by the magnificent Whitney Selina, who showed us all her incredible moves on the drums of La Batuta. Naya Aljoudi recited a spoken-word piece of herself, gracing us with their royal words. Patri performed a stunning dragshow with more sensual background music and midway switching to a very sexy upbeat show, which included stripping and some spicy interaction with the audience. The evening ended with the well known House of Vineyard, where their mother, Amber ‘Ambiance’ Vineyard herself and two of her children rocked the runway.
The last hour of the queer celebration all the visitors got to dance together, on or off the stage, to the music of DJ Dizzi Geetha. Those who stayed until the very end got to enjoy an extra show and somewhat of a workshop by The House of Vineyard. Overall the evening was a wild success and celebration.
Did you get excited reading this and want to experience what a night dedicated to queer people can be like?
The next event of Queercity, Transgender Day of Remembrance, will take place on the 18th of November. In this programme we will talk about the global problem of violence towards trans people. Thousands of trans persons, especially trans women are mistreated, abused and murdered purely because of their gender identity and gender expression. Every year during Transgender Day of Remembrance, we reflect on the victims of violence. This year, we will dedicate a QueerCity show to all trans people who have become victims of hate, violence and transphobia. We will take a journey together where we will honor the dead with strength and prosperity. And create awareness about the amount of violence the trans community is facing daily. Reserve your spot for free here.