In our two-year activity and research programme Designing Cities for All (DCFA) we dive into the matter of (re)designing inclusive cities. Next to inviting many designers, scientists, experts, educational institutions, and other involved partners to participate – we invited a total of six Fellows to curate part of the programme. Last Monday, we introduced the first fellowship of 2022: OneWorld!
From January till March 2022, Chief Editor Seada Nourhossen and publisher John Olivieira from OneWorld will kickoff 2022 with their DCFA Fellowship! OneWorld is a magazine that focuses on journalism for justice. They are outspoken about injustice and inequality and bring awareness to topics such as human rights, identity, and sustainability. In their Fellowship, Seada and John will take us on their mission to (re)design journalism, in which we together explore current power structures in the field, and the concept of ‘journalism for justice’.
Watch the entire launch here:
Pakhuis de Zwijger PODCAST
Want to know about Redesigning Journalism? In this episode of the Pakhuis de Zwijger-podcast, Annick van Rinsum speaks with Seada and John about the design flaws in journalism, about the politics behind practising journalism and the concept of gatekeeping.
Coming events
In the next months OneWorld curates three programs on Redesigning Journalism to further explore the power of language, the impact of imaging and the power structures that form journalism behind the scenes. Please join us!
More about Designing Cities for All
In 2021, Pakhuis de Zwijger’s extensive two-year programme Designing Cities for All (DCFA) commenced with the support of the Creative Industry Fund NL. This programme focuses on the role of designers in shaping and creating cities for and by everyone. We have involved a great diversity of talent; invited designers, scientists, experts, educational institutions, and six Fellows to curate part of the programme. To share their knowledge, to work together, and inspire each other to build inclusive solutions from the ground up. For more info, check our online Research File at