Labour export policies, common in countries like the Philippines, have transformed global work patterns. While these policies bring economic benefits to both the countries of origin and the host countries, they result in migrants being treated as financial assets. This situation reveals a global failure to protect the rights of migrants and refugees, particularly in accessing social services. Serious issues persist regarding the safety of migrant workers, their legal status, and their working conditions.

The new coalition of the Dutch government has signed an anti-migrant policy, reflecting this systemic exclusion. This event will explore Asylum Crisis Measurement and discuss how host countries like the Netherlands can protect undocumented migrants from the Global South against modern slavery and work exploitation. How can we create awareness, unity, and a fighting spirit for undocumented people who serve the Dutch economy by working in low-wage jobs, cleaning houses, and taking care of children? They need to be treated with equity, not as second-class citizens.


Discussion points of this programme

  • Financialisation of migrants: exploring how labour migration becomes commodified, leading to exploitation and vulnerability and examining strategies to counter this trend.
  • Protection of activists: addressing the phenomenon of red tagging and violence against activists in the Philippines, and discussing measures to safeguard their rights and ensure their safety.
  • Role of Host Countries: Assessing the responsibilities of host countries like the Netherlands in providing labour protection, access to services, and avenues for regularisation for undocumented migrants.
  • International Cooperation: Exploring avenues for collaboration between sending and receiving countries, civil society organisations, and international bodies to address the challenges faced by migrant workers and activists.
  • Migrants Resistance, Advocacy and Solidarity: Discussing the importance of global solidarity in advocating for the rights of migrant workers and activists, and strategising ways to amplify their voices on the international stage.