The regenerative current is growing all around us. Stories on the need to reconnect, heal and transform abound, all challenging a dominant worldview built on competition, economic growth, extractivism, militarisation and personal gain. Yes, our planet and its resources are stretched beyond their limits, causing a wide range of suffering and injustice for humanity and non-humans. But within our own lives and places, we’ve all got the potential to bring forward more life-affirming futures. And if we weave our efforts together with increasing determination and intelligence, who knows what the future holds.

So as educators… What is our contribution? How can we participate in the regenerative current? Surely, educational spaces carry in them the potential of play, re-imagination, re-connection, healing, and transformation. Yet our educational systems, too, are in many ways still captured by outdated narratives and practices. How, then, can we regenerate our educational systems, communities and our educational selves.

About the programme

Join for an evening on The Art of Regenerative Educatorship with authors Mieke Lopes Cardozo, Bas van den Berg, and Koen Wessels. With contributions from Ben Haggard, co-founder and core faculty member of the Regenesis Institute and Anthony Heidweiller, Associate Lector at the Amsterdam Dance and Theater school, and with music from Anne Boerrigter and Véra Capou. You will be invited to explore your own regenerative artistry and receive your very own copy of the book for free. Let us form an increasingly strong community of regenerative educators together!

More info about Véra and Anne can be found here

This evening is a co-production of The School of Regenerative Educators, The Mission Zero Center of Expertise of The Hague University of Applied Sciences, the Governance & Inclusive Development Research Group of the University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press and Pakhuis de Zwijger.


In collaboration with
Michelle Bergwijn