The Expertise Network Systemic Co-Design (ESC) has joined forces with the Systemic Design Association (SDA) and Pakhuis de Zwijger in organising the RSD12 Amsterdam Hub from 10 to 12 October 2023. RSD12 is the annual global conference ‘Relating Systems thinking and Design’ organised by the SDA. The central RSD12 theme is ‘Emergence in Entanglement’, in Amsterdam we will host a three-day immersion in research, examples and stories about the upcoming field of navigating systemic change in transitions. Come and join us on this journey and explore ways to navigate systemic change in societal transitions at the RSD12 Amsterdam Hub by ESC! Discover the programme for Day 2 below.


Find a more detailed schedule below the timetable.

Morning programme (09:00 – 12:45)

09:00 – 09:15 | Opening and welcome by Gillian Graven

09:15 – 09:45 | Keynote by Domenico Dentoni on Resillience and Transformation

09:45 – 10:15 | Discussion Panel: Just Digital Life with Tomasz Jaskiewicz, Sarah Giest, Pieter van Boheemen and Jaz Choi

10:30 – 12:00 | Workshops with a focus on a secure and just digital life

Sessions in small groups, locations will be communicated on the day itself. Select a session of interest to you and relevant to your work. Registration will be available later.

Workshop A: Mapping perspectives on safety in an AI-driven smart city

Workshop B: Exploring the Problem-Solution Space for Impact-Driven Collaborative Public-Private Innovation Networks

Keywords: orchestrating innovation, problem classification, complexity

Workshop C: Digital Rights

Workshop D: Scaling Up Business and Societal Success with the Ecosystem Success Accelerator

Keywords: ecosystem model, accelerating success, multi-actor value proposition, value chain success, Ecosystem Success Accelerator

Workshop E: Both Sides of the Story

Keywords: co-design, education, innovation, transition, deep democracy, system change

Workshop F: The Application of Systemic Co-Design in Developing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems

Keywords: innovation, transition, entrepreneurial ecosystems, three horizons

12:10 – 12:40 | Plenary reflection

12:40 – 13:30 | Lunch Break

Afternoon programme (13:30 – 18:00)

13:30 – 13:45 | Welcome and programma explanation

13:45 – 14:15 | Keynote by Prof Joyce Yee (Northumbria) on supporting transitions towards more equitable, sustainable and fair futures

14:15 – 14:45 | Panel discussion by Ana Vasques, Ginie Servant-Miklos
and Sanne Koevoets on (How) Can Universities be Linked to Societal Transition Challenges?

15:15 – 16:45 | Workshops with a focus on educating in times of transition

Sessions in small groups, locations will be communicated on the day itself. Select a session of interest to you and relevant to your work. Registration will be available later.

Workshop A: What Does it Take to Facilitate Systemic Transitions? Training designers to become navigators for systemic transitions

Keywords: systemic co-design, systemic transitions, skills, abilities, attitudes, knowledge, KSA, competencies, facilitation, living labs

Workshop B: Enhancing System Change by Systemic Constellations

Keywords: wicked problems, system change, blind spots, systemic awareness, intuition, embodiment systemic constellations, leadership

Workshop C: Navigating polarities within educational ecosystems in times of transition

Keywords: education, innovation, polarities, co-design, transformation, educational redesign

Workshop D: Evaluating Impact in Challenge-Based Learning: Measuring changes in self-efficacy applying inner development goals and Q-methodology

Keywords: challenge-based learning, action learning, evaluating impact, Q-methodology, Inner Development Goals, design thinking, systems design, self-efficacy, Selbstwirksamkeit

Workshop E: Designing Spaces for Letting Go in Sustainability Transitions

Keywords: transitions research, design research, societal transitions, letting go, emotions

16:55 – 17:15 | Plenary reflection with Gillian Graven

17:15 – 18:00 | Drinks

This event is developed by