In the run up to World Environment Day, join us to soak up cutting-edge thoughts by ISS researchers and other critical thinkers. And ask them your burning questions. What are the eye-opening insights we all need to hear when it comes to the climate crisis? The event will draw from research in the Amazon Rainforest, The Caribbean, Central and East Asia as well as the city of The Hague. We will get a glimpse into the bigger picture of climate change and environmental degradation, weaving together stories of extraction, geopolitical shifts, justice-based approached and unseen climate impact.
With amongst others

Murat Arsel
Professor of Political Economy of Sustainable Development

Lorenzo Pellegrini
Associate Professor of Economics of Environment and Development

Daphina Misiedjan
Legal Scholar Environmental Justice and Human Rights

Sylvia Bergh
Associate Professor in Development Management and Governance

Jojo Nem Singh
Assistant Professor in International Development

María Moreno de los Rios
Program manager ‘all eyes on the amazon’ at hivos