Many species in our European urban ecosystems, such as The European Eel in Amsterdam, face environments that were not designed for them, or even against them. They have no choice but to find their way, struggle, perish, or adapt. So what if we turn this dynamic around? Thijs de Zeeuw and Sheng Wen Lo from the collective of the Embassy of the North sea take a limited number of participants for a small journey outside of Pakhuis de Zwijger – and bring to the surface some of our overlooked senses and sensitivities. This programme is a prelude of Representing Nature, starting at 16:00.

Please register for this excursion via the blue button as places are limited.

About the speakers

Sheng-Wen Lo’s works investigate the relationships between non-humans and contemporary society, often taking daily experiences as points of departure. As a maker his practice comprises still/moving images, installations, video games, escape rooms and various media. He received an MSc in Computer Science from the Computer Music Lab at National Taiwan University (2012), and is an alumnus artist at the Rijksakademie (2019-2021) in Amsterdam. Since 2019, he has been collaborating with the Embassy of the North Sea on various oceanic agenda.

Thijs de Zeeuw graduated in 2011 at the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam with his design for The (un)conditional garden. A Garden for Artis, the Royal Zoo of Amsterdam, not about the exotic flora and fauna, but about every day nature. Part of this project was a design and research plot on the development of urban flora and fauna. The past years Thijs has worked on numerous designs for zoos. Both on the scale of master planning and enclosure design. More recently inspired by his work for zoos he instigated a multidisciplinary platform: the Nature-Optimist

In collaboration with
Ambassade van de Noordzee
Programme seriesDe toekomst van Europa

In 2024 kan de halve wereld gebruikmaken van haar stemrecht. Een heus verkiezingsjaar. In juni is het de beurt aan ons continent om te stemmen voor een nieuw Europees Parlement. De invloed van Europa is enorm, maar de kennis en aandacht hiervoor is vaak minimaal. Nu de (Europese)verkiezingen voor de deur staan vinden we het daarom des te belangrijker om een programma reeks te ontwikkelen over Europa en de verkiezingen. Waar stemmen we precies voor en wat doet een Europarlementariër eigenlijk? Tijdens deze programmareeks leer je alles over de werking van de Europese Unie, welke besluiten er worden gemaakt in Brussel en verkennen we de huidige staat- en de toekomst van Europa.