In 2021, Pakhuis de Zwijger’s extensive two-year activity programme Designing Cities For All (DCFA) will commence with the support of the Creative Industries Fund NL. In the context of the super-diverse city, how can designers contribute to the creation of inclusive cities for, and by everyone? ‘Cities of Belonging’, as we would call them, cities in which everyone feels and is allowed to feel at home. Not only in a spatial sense but also concerning the digital domain and relating to the design of our public systems, services, and products. Next to many designers, scientists, experts, educational institutions, and other involved partners, we will dive into the matter of (re)designing inclusive cities together with a total of six Fellows that we invited to our Fellowship programme – who will curate part of the DCFA project. With the aim of ensuring that everyone – regardless of ability, ethnicity, gender, age, and cultural background – can participate with equal opportunities in social, economic, cultural, and leisure activities.
Lyongo Juliana is director of OZ Caribbean, He fell in love with Architecture when he was a student in Architectural Engineering at TU/Eindhoven. For Lyongo, architecture is not just about making locations more beautiful and in balance, it is about creating a people’s experience. As the first Architect in Residence (AiR) of 2020 at ARCAM Architecture Centre Amsterdam, he investigated the degree of diversity and inclusiveness of architecture in Amsterdam. The outcome of his research: ‘We need to pay more attention to the end-user, regardless of ethnicity. What does she want? What does she value? What does she need? Because even with attention to this you can make budgets fit, although you have a major challenge in quantifying the value that we add as designers. After all, that value only comes out long after the architect, developer and builder have left.’ In the coming months, Lyongo will continue his research in Pakhuis de Zwijger’s two-year programme Designing Cities for All of Us.
We will start this event with the first public screening of the short documentary Op zoek naar inclusie in de architectuur (Dutch, 14 min), by Lyongo Juliana and Pim Gelevert. The rest of the event will continue in English.

Lyongo Juliana during WeMakeThe.City Reset @ Pakhuis de Zwijger
Archined - Volgens architect Lyongo Juliana is de bubbel waar de meeste architecten in leven niet representatief voor de huidige samenstelling van Amsterdam. De wensen van de grootste groep Amsterdammers, mensen met een migratieachtergrond, worden vergeten. >>
Pakhuis de Zwijger - In deze podcast spreken Annick van Rinsum en architect Lyongo Juliana over het belang om als wetenschapper en ontwerper de rust te bewaren om te kijken wat je er echt aan de hand is en wat je kan bijdragen, over hoe te veel regulering mensen de kans ontneemt om zelf dingen te ondernemen, en over hoe je bij onderwerpen als duurzaamheid en rechtvaardigheid naar het totale plaatje moet blijven kijken. >>