When we talk about the history of a country or a city, whose history are we talking about? After Black Lives Matter, dominant narratives have become publicly contested; contested to include stories which were left forgotten. But if we talk about a shared history, it has to go beyond only including multiple perspectives and voices of the other. Groups that suffered from exclusion and worse, demand apologies. So, how can we revisit the past, not in a sporadic but in a productive way, which paves the path towards making reparations?
Met in dit programma onder anderen

Jennifer Tosch
Founder Black Heritage Tours in Amsterdam, Roots Guide storyteller & Guide

Femke Halsema
Mayor of Amsterdam

Christophe Bertossi
Director of Migration and Citizenship at the French Institute of International Relations Center

Jan Willem Duyvendak
Hoogleraar sociologie aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, directeur NIAS