Help! I cant log in, the buttons dont seem to be working! What now?

Don’t panic, are you using Internet Explorer as a web browser? Usually it works to open our website in another browser such as Safari, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox or in an incognito window. You can easily open this with the key combination ctrl/cmd-shift-N for Safari or Google Chrome or ctrl/cmd-shift-P for Mozilla Firefox.

I dont have an account yet, where do I register?

Becoming a member is very easy, with an e-mail address. Click on the menu icon (top right) and select login and then select ‘register’.

I want to delete my account. How can I do that?

Delete your account by going to your ‘account settings’. Log in and go to the dark blue dot at the top right. Then scroll down until you see ‘delete my account’.

Please note! If you are a Friend of Pakhuis de Zwijger, this also automatically cancels your Friendship.

Do I have to log in to make a reservation?

Yes, to attend events at Pakhuis de Zwijger, we ask you to register.

Can I make a reservation for multiple people?

You can only make reservations for yourself with your profile, so you cannot make multiple reservations on one profile. Ask the person you want to take with you to create a profile and make a reservation for the programme themselves.

Is it possible to make an anonymous reservation?

No, it’s not possible to make an anonymous reservation. We ask at least your name, e-mail address and your place of residence. This way we can send you e-mails with information regarding the programme.

The programme is fully booked. Can I be put on a waiting list?

Unfortunately, we do not have a waiting list for our programmes at Pakhuis de Zwijger.

What can you do?

– Keep an eye on the programme page, there are always people who cancel their reservation and then you can make a reservation.

– There are always seats that are empty because people don’t show up. You can take the gamble and show up on the day of the event and hope for the best. We just cannot guarantee that there will be a seat for you.

– Some of our programmes are live streamed, as can be seen from the word ‘livecast’ in the agenda. You can watch the livestream from the comfort of your home. It switches on when the programme starts, through

I’m unable to attend the programme, how do I cancel my reservation?

Cancelling your reservation for a programme is the same as making a reservation, using the button on the relevant programme page (‘cancel reservation’).

How can I watch the livestream of a programme online?

To watch a programme online, you must be logged in with your account. You can then follow the programme via the relevant programme page, or via

I have registered to follow a programme online, but I would like to come in person, what do I do now?

If you have registered to follow a programme online and you would rather come in person, it’s best to cancel your reservation and book again. You can cancel by clicking on the ‘cancel reservation’ button on the programme page concerned. You then reserve again by clicking on the “reserve” button.

It works the same the other way round. You have made a reservation to attend a programme in person, but are unable to attend and want to follow it online. Then you can cancel the reservation and log in again.

Is the event in Dutch or English?

You can recognise English programmes by the black ‘EN’ icon in the agenda. All other programmes are in Dutch. To see all English spoken programmes in one overview, switch on the button ‘English spoken events only’ at the right top of the page.

Can I watch a recording of a programme on a later date?

Almost all our programmes are streamed via The recording will also be available to watch the afternoon after the programme via the programme page, our YouTube channel and through

I want to cancel my Friendship (membership) of Pakhuis de Zwijger, how do I do that?

You can cancel your membership (Friendship) by logging on to our website:

Then click on the dark blue ball at the top right and go to ‘account settings’:

Here you can cancel your membership.

I want to change the monthly or annual amount of my Friendship (membership), how do I do that?

The only way to change your bank account number is to temporarily cancel the Friendship and rejoin it. This is because you have to accept the direct debit.

Cancelling your membership (Friendship) can be done by logging into our website:

Then click on the dark blue ball at the top right and go to ‘account settings’:

Here you can cancel your contribution and become a Friend again.

I have a comment, tip or other question.

We are happy to help you. If you are unable to resolve the matter with the above questions, you can email us at [email protected].

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