When doing research on designing cities for all, a first step is to define what we are talking about exactly. That’s why in January 2021, we kicked off with a series of three LIVECAST with speakers who introduce you to the concepts we are going to touch on the next two years and the terminology that we are going to encounter. Let’s break it down for you!’ In the livecasts we have seen that designing is not only about thinking of the end-user, or changing the mindset of the designer, it is about systemic change in society because design reflects what happens in society. Inequalities in society are reflected in design and have an influence on what happens in our cities in the future as well. Designing for all is also designing for future generations and not just our children and grandchildren because one day we will be ancestors to multiple generations and what legacy do we leave behind? That question is very important and it influences the decisions we make today.



Together with our first DCFA Fellow Lyongo we took a deep dive in creating cities for all and the role identity plays. We have seen that if we want to maintain our cities being pleasant places for everyone, we certainly need to invest much more time in talking about this topic. It was great – especially in these times – to bring together so many designers and creatives, as individuals, working on inclusivity. What is missing, is a platform to do so, where you are able to connect and know where to find each other – a role that we are definitely taking upon us the next two years.